Sunday, April 1, 2012

David Smith Oil Painting Exhibit Is Up!

Here are some low resolution shots of what we've just put up in the Gilmore Gallery -- they certainly don't do justice to the beauty of these paintings, so you should really get down here to see them for yourself. But in the meantime, enjoy:

And don't forget, we have limited edition prints, cards, tote bags and mugs available in our CafePress store. Proceeds go to help defray the gallery expenses -- hopefully we'll have enough to buy some refreshments for the reception on April 22nd! Click here to go to the store.

Want to Exhibit at Gilmore Gallery?

Just contact gallery manager Craig Harrison at We're always looking for new art, so don't be shy. Shows are generally up for 2 months at a time.
We'd like to plan some themed group shows; so if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to forward them.